SoHK South Africa is looking for our next CEO


The School of Hard Knocks (SoHK) is a Cape Town-based sport-for-development non-profit organisation that, through three evidence-based programmes, seeks to tackle trauma and improve emotional wellbeing. SoHK works to realise a South Africa where people are better able to fulfil their potential, by receiving the assistance that they need to understand and address their trauma. SoHK has a team of approximately 15 people, and an operating budget of roughly R4.5million.


Purpose of the role

The CEO is at the heart of SoHK’s work, providing leadership and direction for the organisation. This spans the direction and operational delivery of SoHK’s programmes, the maintenance and direction of the organisation’s internal culture, the assumption of responsibility for the development of the organisation’s staff, and the founding, maintenance and extension of relationships with SoHK’s funders.


Key area 1: Leadership

The CEO is expected to:

·        Provide a living encapsulation of the organisation’s values and mission;

·        Be a positive role model for all within the organisation, epitomising the institutional culture of the organisation, acting with principle and integrity at all times;

·        Provide a clear vision and purpose for the organisation;

·        Develop a clear strategic plan for the organisation’s future development, that clearly links to the organisation’s vision and mission;

·        Invest in the development of the staff members, ensuring that people in the organisation are provided with adequate support for them to fulfil their roles;

·        Provide the Board of Directors with frequent, accurate updates and advice;

·        Build trusted relationships with key partners and stakeholders in the sector, and to act as a point of contact for important stakeholders.


Key area 2: Strategy

The CEO is expected to:

·        Understand the context in which the organisation works and to understand the context of the organisation itself;

·        Be able to develop clear strategic plans for the organisation’s short-, medium- and long-term growth, which must include an understanding of the staffing and financial demands required to realise these plans;

·        Plan for, mitigate against and respond to any potential incidents or liabilities that the organisation may encounter through delivery;

·        Construct a fundraising strategy, encompassing new and existing institutional and private donors;

·        Devise clear succession plans for all levels of the organisation.


Key area 3: Programme delivery

The CEO is expected to:

·        Oversee all operations and related activities to ensure that they produce the desired results and are consistent with the long-term strategy and mission, and are within budget;

·        Ensure that SoHK’s programmes are data-driven; effective and based on up-to-date academic and practical thought;

·        Generate and/or oversee a clear monitoring and evaluation framework for the organisation as a whole and for each project, which will include the clear communication of expected outcomes and theories of change that drive the collection of appropriate data and metrics;

·        Undertake an ongoing review of organisational policies (including, but not limited to safeguarding, human resources, code of conduct, financial, etc.), to ensure that SoHK remains at the forefront of developments, changes and advancements in best practice in each realm;

·        Engage the Subcommittees of the Organisation’s Board on a regular basis.


Key area 4: Fundraising

The CEO is expected to:

·        Maintain relationships with existing donors, aiming to ensure that donors continue to support SoHK over a multi-year period;

·        Develop relationships with new potential donors, building up a number of potential avenues for future funding;

·        Assist the directors in mobilising their networks;

·        Maintain a fundraising database that is frequently communicated to the directors;

·        Plan events that will grow awareness of SoHK amongst well-connected and/or HNW individuals;

·        Explore ways for SoHK to raise its own revenue.


Key area 5: Staff development and human resource management
The CEO is expected to:

·        Cultivate an organisational culture that reflects SoHK’s values and ethos;

·        Devise KPIs and performance plans for each member of staff, and to ensure that each member of staff has a clear understanding of the expectations of their role;

·        Play an active role in devising development plans for each member of staff;

·        Ensure that each member of staff is reviewed on a regular basis (bi-annually/quarterly);

·        Ensure, as far as possible, that staff who meet their performance targets remain at the organisation;

·        Oversee all human resources processes, ensuring that they accord with the demands of South African legislation.


Key area 6: Communications
The CEO is expected to:

·        Lead various communication channels that increase awareness of SoHK’s work, including email, webpage and socials;

·        Publish an annual impact report and a mid-year update;

·        Communicate news about SoHK in the media, in regular bulletins and/or through social media;

·        Ensure that SoHK’s website remains up-to-date and its look and feel remains fresh and relevant.


Key area 7: Financial stewardship and regulatory compliance
The CEO is expected to:

·        Manage SoHK’s finances in a transparent and sustainable manner, in accordance with the NGO sector’s best practices;

·        Update all SoHK’s financial tools on a regular basis, ensuring that they present an accurate state of SoHK’s finances at all times;

·        Meet on a monthly basis with the members of the Board’s Finance Sub-Committee, to discuss the financial state of the organisation and to discuss other relevant financial matters, which may include a review of financial policies;

·        Ensure that all financial regulations have been complied with including, amongst others, the annual production of an annual financial statement;

·        Ensure that all statutory requirements, financial or otherwise, have been adhered to.


Key area 8: Board stewardship
The CEO is expected to:

·        Ensure that the Board is able it to fulfil its governance obligations and to contribute to the successful realisation of SoHK’s vision and mission, and that directors are able to arrive at the quarterly meeting appropriately informed of the current state of affairs at the organisation, ready to contribute and to interrogate the information that they have received;

·        Facilitate the quarterly board meetings are held, and are attended by directors;

·        Ensure that SoHK’s CIPC documentation is up-to-date;

·        Together with the Chairperson of the Board, ensure that the Board represents the communities that we work with and the wider demographics of the country;

·        Together with the Chairperson of the Board, hold directors who fail to meet expectations to account, which may include asking directors to resign from the Board.


Location: Cape Town

Closing date: 31 August 2024

Interested? If you’d like to apply for this position, please fill in the Form at this link:

I'd like to apply for the SoHK CEO Position

Lana Rolfe