My journey of being a Team Leader at School of Hard Knocks...

…has been the most memorable experience so far.

It feels sort of full circle from being an intern to now Team Leader. It is incredible to see the growth within the organisation. 

Being a Team Leader (TL) comes with a responsibility that you have to apply yourself to achieve any little milestone. My first week of being a TL was nerve-racking not because I couldn’t deliver my sessions to the participants but rather to ensure that the group of amazing coaches reach their own goals or aspirations and that they reach their full potential within their respective coaching careers. Just as one of my greatest mentors, Mr Urshwin Engel, has guided me into becoming who I am today. Even though at times I struggled to believe in myself, he was there to push me through when I needed it.


With the second week of finding my feet, I have discovered that it’s easier to control what you know you have control over. Everything else will find themselves to work perfectly, (I don’t need to have control over every situation- I can rather focus on things that I do have control over).  

“Imperfections are little fragments of perfection in the long run.” 

Eventually taking a step back, reflecting on each day, you tend to discover the little victories such as seeing participants grasp with excitement something new, or little things like relationships blooming into something that can be beautiful. 


As much as I am still nervous about being a Team Leader,  I am sure that being one is pushing me to be a better person and leader and I am welcoming any challenges I will face in the future within and outside of SoHK.


Author: Yongisa Njobo

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